Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So Many Parties, So Little Time

We attended yet another birthday party on the 19th. We ate pizza, and all the kids decorated their own cupcakes. Ike kept wanting more, more, more of the dinosaur and car sprinkles. Good times, good times. Ike is a lucky boy to have so many friends with great parties.

If I Ran the Zoo

We all went to the Houston Zoo on the 17th. Ike learned a new word, Okapi. We saw the new baby giraffe, the baby elephant, and a three-legged dik-dik. The kids (and Aunt Kristy) really enjoyed riding the new wildlife carousel in the children's area of the zoo. We were lucky in more ways than one when we caught the last ride on the zoo train. The train broke down right as it was pulling back into the station!

A Bunch of Weird Eggs

We have been keeping busy the past couple of weeks. The "cousins" drove down from Portland, Oregon to visit the 15th-21st. Ike loves his cousins, and he especially loves the ladies. He seemed to play better with Anna and Megan than with Ian.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bring It On! (The Food, That Is)

On Saturday, November 11th Mick and I dined at Fogo de Chao with the Boppies (Blow Out Preventor Engineers) courtesy of Cameron.
Meat, meat, meat. Oh how many meats you eat!
I had a fantastic time and can't wait until next quarter to get treated to more fine dining.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Party Boy

We all attended Logan's 3rd birthday party on Sunday, November 5th at the Sealy baseball park. Ike had a fun time in the inflatable train after he quickly figured out how to climb up and slide down. The kid has been to so many fun parties lately that he is going to have high expectations for his own birthday. We need to start planning (and saving) now!