Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"I'll be there when the bluebonnets bloom."

We took the kids out Sunday to take pictures in the Bluebonnets near Welcome Community. The flowers were pretty good in our usual spot. Ike was slow to warm up to the camera for some reason, not his usual ham-self that day. Aggie enjoyed pulling the blooms off. We had a picnic at the park in Industry, and Ike played on the playground.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Aggie Girl

You may have been wondering what Aggie was up to during all of our adventures. She's been along for the ride, but she enjoys sleeping on these trips.

She went for her 9 month checkup last week. 17.1 lbs and 27 inches. Two teeth, and more on the way. Crawling and cruising. Finally growing some hair.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Independence Day, Texas!

The first weekend in March, we went to the Texas Independence Day celebration at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park. The weather turned out to be great that day. Sam Houston IV was the speaker. His speech was brief, and he basically said that Texas History as a subject in public schools was suffering because of standardized testing. He has been focusing his political efforts on getting rid of the TAKS test, and his report was that it looks like the legislature is going to can it. I don't know about that, but it seemed an odd subject for an Independence Day address. The guy looked just like portraits I've seen of the original Sam Houston! We shopped in the gift shop along with Congressman Michael McCaul, and Ike got a patch and a walking stick.

Piano Bridge

I guess it was at the end of February, but we took a drive to Schulenberg, Texas one weekend. We started out driving with no particular destination, as we often do, and we headed west. We decided to go to Schulenberg since we hadn't been there recently, and when we got there, we decided to take the driving tour of the "Painted Churches". But you won't find any pictures here of these churches....nosiree, the highlight of the trip was the Piano Bridge and the primative restroom facilities at the church at Dubina (no pics of that here either, unfortunately?, but I told Mick he had to take a picture or no one would believe it!).