Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekend Pics

Ike and Mick drove up to College Station Sunday while Aggie and I attended a bridal shower. They visited the map room at the library at Texas A&M. Ike was able to see the fine theses by Konvicka and Elmore and pose with a giant globe.

On Saturday, we went outside and played some catch. Does anyone think Global Warming explains why Aggie is wearing a sun dress in mid-November!

Fall Festivities

Look Ike! The Apaches are coming!

The Eckelbergs had a Halloween party at their house on the weekend before Halloween. Ike dressed up as a cowboy, and Aggie, well she was an Aggie. Chad drove the tractor and took us for a hayride. They had a spooky fun house that was pretty scary for a little boy.

Mick volunteered at the kids' school for their Fall Festival. He dressed up as a safari explorer and manned the penny splash game.