Friday, March 27, 2009

March Pictures...

Ike and Grandpa involved in a massive construction project...
A job well done...

The family at the Museum with a dinosaur in the background...

Ike the cowboy...

This is the model of playset that we have bought for the backyard...the kids are anxious for its arrival...

Mick and Anita at the Bellagio in Las Vegas...

Mick and Anita on the Stratosphere tower in Las Vegas...

The whole family at their favorite restaurant (Cracker Barrel)

The family at the new train in Hermann Park...

February Photos...

A trip to the local Pizza Hut with Aunt Kristy and Cousin Jill...
A visit from Uncle Dwayne (Aggie pronouces his name as Da-gwain)

The kids at the College...

December Photos

The blog has gotten out of date, so here are a few December pictures to catch up...
The image above comes from our trip to the Indiana Children's Museum with Gramps and Granny Lou...
Agnes showing off her fancy Christmas accessories...

Ike landing a big fish with Uncle Allen in Indiana...

Mick, Ike and Agnes at the Sealy Christmas Parade...

Snow in Sealy, and some impressive snowmen...

Opening Christmas gifts...

Ike and Agnes in their Christmas outfits...

Ike and Agnes going for a walk in the woods...