In May, Ike finished T-Ball...

In May, Ike and Aggie served as Ring Bearer and Flower Girl in Cousin Peggy's wedding...

In June we celebrated the kid's birthdays...below you can see Aggie with a birthday cupcake, as well as the celebration at Chuck E Cheese, and Ike modeling in Knight gear he received as a present...

In July, the family made a trip to Waco and got to visit the Cameron Park Zoo...

In July, Daddy and Ike went to see the Houston Symphony performing "The Planets" but as you can see in the picture below, by the time the Symphony had reached Jupiter, Ike was asleep...

In August, we took a trip to Indiana to visit Granny Lou and Gramps...as you can see in the pictures below, it was a busy trip. Ike was able to go fossil hunting with Gramps, the kids were able to inspect Livestock at the Jackson County Fair, the kids were able to visit a children's museum in Columbus, and finally we took a trip to Holiday World, where the kid's were able to ride the roller coaster...